Reflection Post

Thinking Process 

At first my partner I wanted to present to elementary school students but we ended up dissected to present to freshmen because we felt that we would a wider virility of topics to choose from. The First topic we wanted was sex ed. but we it already taken so we had to go with our second choose witch was Drugs and Alcohol. The reason that we choose this topic was because we felt like its something that really is not talk about much in school considering how important of a topic it is. So we dissected to teach them more about it.


When we first choose this topic we did not really think much about the researching part. We just thought the we would look it up and a lot of thing would pop out that we could use little did we know that was not the case. When we started looking up drugs and alcohol a lot of things did pop up but when we clicked on them they we blocked. We totally forgot that we were on the school WiFi using school laptops that have ever little that had to do with something ‘bad’. So it was a little difficult to find good evidence because our resource we limited. The good thing was that Ms. Terzec did let us yous here laptop which does not have everything blocked.


When I started to write one of the first thing that I started writing about was what causes addiction. This was very
easy for me to write because I am more of a visual learned and the place where I got my information was a video which helped a lot. For the rest of the paper it was normal to write it because the rest on the information I obtained was on an article. therefor it wasn’t the eases thing to wire but it also wasn’t the hardest thing to write.

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