Discrimination on Names

Names with ethnic backgrounds receive more discrimination than European names. Examples of these would be employers hiring based on the phonetics of the applicant’s names. In an article named “Employers Replies to Racial Names”,  it shows that African Americans experience a disadvantage when applying for a job. While their white counterparts have a higher call-back […]

Small Business

Personal Reflation  Three weeks ago I started a project with my friend Maria. First we had to think of a problem that affect a lot of people, it took us awhile to think of something. We had a couple of ideas: homelessness, lost dogs, and drunk driving. We choose drunk driving because this affects a lot […]

Discussion Post

Lately the amount of voters in the US is going down and because of that some people are thinking of making voting mandatory. I think that voting shouldn’t be mandatory because It’s basically a violation of the first amendment that states that you have the freedom of speech. Which gives you the right to speak […]